My educations and certificates    - Professional IT- Security Consultant since 1987

Formal studies
Years of Studies in Master Human Factor & System Safety                      
Lunds University
Human Factor Network Sweden                                                                 Linköping University
Studies in law                                                        Uppsala, Umeå, Luleå and  Borås University
Language Russia                                                                                                       Lunds University
Business system in critical application                                                              KTH Stockholm
2 year economical variant Upper Secondary School          The Cathedral School in Lund

EASA ATPL Air Transport Pilot License                                                       Transportstyrelsen  Boeing 737  model 300- 900 Typerating   (737  NG renew 2023 08)   Transportstyrelsen

Formal IT studies 
Microsoft Certified Developer Navision                                                          Microsoft
1 year Microcomputers and Databasdesign                                                    Lunds University
2 year of computer science                                                                                   SSVN Norrköping
2 year technical, system architect and Cobol programming           Skandinaviska skolan

ISO studies

9001 14001 45001 33000
PECB ISO/IEC  Lead Auditor ISO 27001
PECB ISO/IEC Lead Implementer IS0 27001
PECB ISO/IEC Lead Implementer Business Continuity ISO 22301
INSTA 800 Level 1  2  3 and certified against level 3   and  I also have SRY certificate Seqf 4
Food and Safety regulation, I have HACCP certificate

CISSP (ISC2)   Certified Information System Security Professional
CSSP (ISC2)    Certified Cloud Security Professional

Playing golf hcp 23  2020, Covid ended my training and badminton time to time....
Taekwondo 1982 -   2020,  Covid ended my training. I haven't practiced taekwondo since 2020

                   Many Years of experience as CIO, manager with budget and personnel 

                    Driver license B + BE  Forklift  Skylifts  Tram driver  M29 M31 M32  M33                             Road 1,1 and 2   Scaffolding and fall protection
                    Chemicals and education in Intersolia  IChemicals

                    English      Level 6
                    Spanish      Beginner 
                    Russia         Beginner
                    German      Beginner

                    Professional IT Consultant 1987 -> 2013  Mixed system IBM Mainframe
                    Pilot since 1992 ->       Airline Pilot Boeing 737 300-900   2008 ->
                    Information Security Professional 1988 ->
                    Human Factor and System Safety Specialist since 2000 -> 
                    Data Recovery specialist 1988 -> 1995
                    ERP Scala and Navision and Certified Navision developer  1988 -> 2013
                    Professional database application developer 1987 - 2016
                    Professional database architect 1988 - 2021
                    Professional food safety and certified HACCP since 2015 ->
                    Professional cleaning INSTA 800 level 1 2 3 certified INSTA 800 level 3
                    Professional cleaning SRY Certificate Seqf 4

                   - IBM OS/2 Ambassador  by IBM for my extensive work with IBM OS/2  
                   - Pompejii Exhibition 1991/92 IBM Malmo wanted me to be coordinator                                of the installation of IBM OS/2 platform, display the Pompejii history                            - Second place (Silver) in the Data recovery competition held by Dr. Alan                               Solomon in Sweden     
                  - Many successful data recovery and virus infections missions
                 - Designed a database solutions that an American company Acquired of me                          and  sold to US government DEA and US Defense Los Alamos National                                Laboratories      (DEA, U.S. Justice Department Drug Enforcement Administration)